Tuesday, March 8, 2016


Posted By: Unknown - 4:10 PM
With free tools 8GadgetPack Search Where it is known to Vista and Windows 7 widgets and get on your sidebar, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 desktop.
Windows 8 Desktop Gadgets
Microsoft's new operating system gives substantially optically much change. But some things omitted. So maybe some people Vista and Windows 7 desktop widgets and the missing sidebar known. With this small application that can easily be used in Windows 8 and Windows 10 these functions. 8GadgetPack deals, among others, the following devices: 7 Side bar, the agenda, the All CPU Meter, the program menu, calendar, clip Boarder chameleon time, clock, control system, CPU Meter, currency, calendar Customc, RSS desktop reader, Digi Clock, drives meters news reader, Feed headlines, Calendar, glass, glassy CPU GPU monitor meters, international, Gmail, Hermes, HUD Time, Mini Radio, multimeter, my Weatherford meter, network, network monitor II, picture puzzles, POP3 checker and the state of the energy, waste, reminder, slide, sticky notes online, II control system, the first five, begin to monitor the process, Tweetz, converter unit, volume control, time, the Centre, a few meters from Weatherford, radio side bar gadget, YouTube viewer.


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