Friday, March 25, 2016

madVR 0.90.17

Posted By: Unknown - 8:44 PM
Direct madVR to make high quality video. Thank you to achieve the best image quality during video playback, adjust the various settings according to your preferences and the ability of our team.

Program Gallery
The tool is compatible with a variety of players, multimedia files, including but not limited to Media Player Classic Home Cinema (MPC-HC), which must be installed to use the madVR. Complete list of supported applications found on the manufacturer's official website, where you will also find links to compatible players.

MadVR uses downsampling color (chrominance sub-sampling) and includes a series of filters corresponding to the scale of the image, and also provides graphics support processor unit (GPU), which allows you to create a free high-quality video equipment sophisticated.
madVR 0.90.17


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