Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Slack 2.0.1

Posted By: Unknown - 1:15 PM
Slack is a powerful communicator, prepared especially for small and medium enterprises, whose members work together remotely via Internet.

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Before using the administrator must create a group and invite members to selected individuals. As a result, all members have access to the same knowledge and opportunities, so that regular communication. Slack contains an integrated chat, allowing you to text chat with a member of the group. In addition to sending messages, we can also provide the selected files by dragging and dropping.

Another nice feature is also the channels. Slack divided into two groups: open and closed. In the first, you can share content to all users (eg .. The general message for employees) and the other for people who work on specific projects (value when using multiple files and messages are undesirable to fall into the hands of unauthorized users).

Slack is directly in the browser, but the program can also be run via a dedicated application, install it on your computer (PC, Mac, Linux) or mobile device with Android, iOS or Windows Phone. Interestingly, it is necessary to gradually transform the program that is updated - only to enable desktop notifications; When you receive a new message, immediately relevant information obtained.

It is interesting to note that the game offers search engine. It is especially useful when using the tool for a long time and we want to find an article, for example, months or years.
Slack 2.0.1


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